Planned giving donors share why they support MUSC

William and Linda Douglass“On July 14, 2021, I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor the size of a grapefruit on my right kidney. Realizing the severity of this situation, my local urologist referred me to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). I'm glad he did. A week later, I was sitting in the examining room of the esteemed Dr. Thomas Keane, chief urologist, MUSC. The surgery was scheduled for the following week. It was a very complicated operation that went awry during the procedure. The skill set of Dr. Keane and Dr. Satish Nadig saved my life that miraculous day. From that day forward, during my recovery and treatments thereafter, my wife and I have been treated like we are family at MUSC. We in turn consider the doctors, nurses and administrative staff at MUSC as our family. As with any family, we are very delighted to have made appropriations in our will to provide funding for the future of Hollings Cancer Center and oncology nursing. Family takes care of families!”

-William "Billy" and Linda Douglas

Kim and Paul Anuszkiewicz“We are truly inspired by the ongoing and cutting-edge research happening at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), as well as the incredible work being done by all the doctors and staff at the new state-of-the-art children's hospital. Most of all, we are profoundly touched by the knowledgeable, compassionate and caring team at MUSC.

In our own experience, every member of the team is dedicated to providing the best possible outcome for its patients and their families. Thank you for the remarkable work you do every day. MUSC is making a profound difference in the lives of so many, and we are honored to support your mission.”

-Kim and Paul Anuszkiewicz

Cynthia Wahl“I decided to embark upon this philanthropic journey of creating a scholarship fund because a great mentor of mine had also created scholarship support to MUSC. As an advanced medical technologist, I want to provide an opportunity for a dedicated student to further themselves in a lab career and I trust that MUSC will award this scholarship to a deserving person.”


-Cynthia Wahl

Karen and Andy Abrams“The fact that Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) is a nationally ranked cancer center saved my life. Doctors there recognized that my lung cancer should respond to a newly developed immunotherapy drug, which they used instead of chemo. Three years later I was able to ring the bell with no sign of cancer in my body. What an incredible gift that we are paying forward through our annual gifts and in our wills, where we have set aside funds for immunotherapy research and therapy.”

-Andy and Karen Abrams